Channel: hosshoss777
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It's Not The Racism, It's The Fascism

The Health care debate has become blurred, politicised and blatantly mischaracterized. To tell me I don't like the "reform" simply because President Obama has some black blood in him is insulting....

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Faux Fox Fight, Feeble Fake To Rally Somebody, I'm Sure

Obama's fight with FOX news falls a little flat around my blog center. I mean what is he fighting the so called Right about anyway? Health Care? No, Wars? No, Banking and bailouts? not really, but what...

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The "My Stopped Smoking" Blog

About six years ago I started smoking again after having stopped for thirty-five years. No, I don't know why, I suppose because I thought I could always quit again and it just seemed like fun again. It...

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Karzai's Afghanistan and the Timetable

This will be a short blog, there's just not much to say about it. Karzai has to learn how to do more than just steal elections, he needs to unite Afghanistan and begin to do what real governments do,...

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Christo - Fascism

I was at my favorite Pizza place when a jokey thing broke out. To start with my Spanish friends, Fred and his wife, own and operate an Italian Pizzeria in Lake Mary Florida called Dallis, with their...

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Truth 2 Consequences 4 Tiger W and 5 American Wannabe Terrorists

Tiger Woods is being disloyal to the one main thing that got him where he is, the game of golf. He needs to separate himself from his model wife, whom he would have never met if not for the game of...

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Simple, Make The Refusal of a Needed Medical Procedure, A Crime

The needed fix in Health care is not any of the "options" on the table of our esteemed status quo protecting statesmen in Washington DC. So what gives, what are they fighting over? Let me break it down...

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It's The Insurance Companies, Stupid!!!

I was listening to the Sunday shows today and what I heard was, the Democrats and the Republicans, neither want to really change things, both want a system the continues the for profit Insurance...

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USSC and Obamacare subsidies

This is an open message to our USSC, why should you 9 people be forced to overwrite, or rewrite, or uphold as is this law? The simple, best, optimum and fair solution to this is for the court to simply...

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ISIS, Al Qaeda, and conflicted conflict

Surely I'm not the only one in SMH mode as I read today how Al Qaeda was successfully attacked in Libya where as yesterday I was reading how Al Qaeda was fighting ISIS. And then to try and figure out...

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Primary's flawed fraud

Iowa, New Hampshire, the polling says, who cares, why do these two mostly backward rural, in the middle of myth and pastoral no where, get to choose the president for all the rest of us? We need a...

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Le Donald, Trumpster

what? why would a genuine 1% ever want to put himself in that fishbowl called the presidential primary much less take the what can only be a very severe cut in pay as president? The only potential...

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The Super Bore

Did you dutifully watch the scritpted football result yesterday? That corporatist orgy of football tossing shills and those ol gawd funny commercials? That half time show full of barely 30 year old...

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Super Girl TV

Monday night at 8pm in the east Supergirl comes on, clearly a show not for my demographic, but I watch anyway, why? I don’t know, nothing else’s on, the usual. But, this is some good TV, sure, steeped...

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New Hampshire has spoken and big, high, long walls and lots of free stuff carry the day. And coming in second behind the xenophobe was a donkey in an elephant suit. Just when you think you got all this...

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That Creating Jobs Narrative

I don’t know exactly when or how this happened but the idea of a president and government creating jobs, i.e. private sector jobs, is a false narrative, oh sure they can tweak the tax code and other...

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Pass the TPP and the 15$/hr Minimum Wage Now

And help destroy what’s left of the main street economy. What? someone knows what’s in the TPP, don’t be silly, but just as the rest of the Government led trade deals are decimating American industry...

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Super Delicates

We need a hedge against democracy, grass roots showing underneath the bleached appearences, a bulwark against populist human urges manifesting as actual platformable, actionable politics.So, we have...

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USSC, what now?

Should President Obama nominate someone? Of course he should, it’s his duty, but whom? Bingo! who do we need on the supreme court? do we need another centrist, we have those, so what do we need? We’re...

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The Great Apple Privacy False Narrative

When you first hear this story you think wow!, what a dilemma! keep my privacy or stop terrorism, but relax, if the FBI or anybody else wanted to know who was called from or who called into this...

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